Resources provided by the BiTEX CEM platform
The BiTEX CEM supports mass notification over Location-Based SMS, Cell Broadcast, Mobile Push Notifications, SMS, Voice, Email, CAP Compliant for Sirens, TVs, Radio, Electronic Display Boards, as well as the smartphone application.
Notification targeting of groups or individuals can be assigned by individual, group, organization, agency or location. When targeting a location, filters can be applied such as:
Included with our platform are several modules for pattern recognition of license plates, bar tags, human facial features, crowd and automobile volume flow and imaging sensor data such as x-ray and thermal imaging.
with Distinct Variations for Different User Profiles
An operations mode for monitoring a domain and reviewing events. Events can be selected and all pertinent information and communications can be accessed.
A pure admin function mode to define location boundaries, users, site specific information, input sensors/device settings and a rules engine for automating workflow.
Smartphone application for distinct types of users
with ability to view current events and report incidents
such students and faculty on a campus or workers at a refinery. Access to view follow up actions and status of reported events, as well communicate with members of groups
Responders, operations and security assets with access to detailed event status and secure communications with other users
The BiTEX CEM platform incorporates a set of critical event incoming notification tools to receive and parse alerts and data feeds using CAP, SMS, IOT and IFTT standards, as well as any Webhook or Json / XML based protocol. This enables users to implement massive arrays of smart sensors to monitor environmental conditions for smoke, water, heat, particulates, and chemical signatures.
In addition it is able to receive triggered alerts from AI systems performing pattern recognition. Our input engine is not limited to simple yes/no data, but in combination with our rules engine can receive and process data values and ranges.
By combining the form generator with the workflow and rules authoring tool, the BiTEX platform’s Administrator toolkit allows users to create sophisticated workflows that can include dynamic, intelligent forms for interacting with critical event reporters and responders with branching logic and decision support.
The Administrator toolkit includes a user enabled no coding required form generator to build reporting and response templates for mobile and web interfaces.
Users can build entire user interfaces with prompts and validated questions to ask end users regarding the nature of the reported critical event.
The rules editor goes beyond simple Boolean expressions by supporting strings, explicit values and implicit values in the form of arrays, quantity thresholds and quantitative ranges.
The Administrator toolkit includes a visual workflow and rules authoring tool to create step-by-step workflows consisting of external inputs, forms, conditional operators that support branching as well as instructions and notifications steps.